Dream Symbols beginning with the letter D

Daggers, knives, and swords could represent significant feelings of anger toward yourself and others. If you kill or wound a perceived enemy in your dream, your unconscious mind may be encouraging you to conquer your fears. Freud thought that all such objects were phallic symbols.

This may be a happy dream which suggests that on some level you feel joy, happiness, and a sense of victory. If you are not in a good mood, and don’t feel very joyful, this dream may be compensatory in nature. It may be trying to balance negativity and stress that you feel in daily life. Superstition-based dream interpretation says that dreaming of dancing predicts happy times ahead. Depending on the content of this dream, it may have some sexual connotations.

If you are in a dangerous situation in your dream, you may consider this a sign from your unconscious. Take the hint and pay closer attention to your finances, business matters, health, and things in general. If you faced the danger in your dream, it may be a positive sign and an indication that you are capable of overcoming current obstacles.

Dreaming about death is very common and it can be interpreted in many different ways. Death is usually a symbol of some type of closure or end. It implies an end to one thing and a beginning of another. Death dreams usually have positive symbolism. If you are the dead person in your dream, it could imply that you would like to leave all of your worries and struggles behind and begin anew. Dreaming about someone that you care about may express your fear about losing them. Dreaming that one of your parents died may express fear of loss, but it also may be an unconscious valve through which you release anger and other negative feelings. In some cultures dreaming about death and dying is a very good omen that represents longevity and prosperity. See also:
Coffin, Zombie, Smothering

This dream suggests that the dreamer is losing control. In a decapitation there is a dramatic and violent separation of the head from the body. Under normal circumstances the mind controls and directs the body. This dream suggests that the dreamer may be under the control of his bodily drives and may be separated from rational thoughts and feelings. Disassociation may be occurring in regard to some behavior or issue in life. However, this dream may have other meanings. This includes excessive concern about punishment and indicates that there may be severe pressure and anxiety in the dreamer’s life.

Deceased Relatives
At times we dream about deceased relatives or friends simply because we miss them. These dreams may be disturbing but most likely are a form of wish-fulfillment or are based on memory through which we relive old experiences. Some people believe that in dreams they meet up with the deceased on the inner planes and engage in “real” interactions with them. It is normal to miss and long for the people that we loved and that have left the physical body. Therefore, it is not surprising that they will pop up in your dreams from time to time. A personal belief system plays a large role when obtaining a satisfying interpretation for dreams in which the dead talk to the living.

As like with most other animals, the deer in your dream may represent some aspect of your intuition or it may be a message from your unconscious. In some parts of Asia, deer are considered to be conductors of soul and thus the robes of shamans are usually made out of deerskin. The Indians of North and South America also gave deer a spiritually important role. They believed that the souls of men passed into deer at the time of death. They also believed that a dying deer was a negative omen, which usually represented droughts that in turn foretold of very difficult times ahead. In the modern world, we generally see deer as gentle forest animals. Deer are characters in children’s stories and Santa Clause uses them to bring gifts to all. Thus, the deer in your dream may be a symbol of gentle and helpful parts of your psyche. In order to understand the message of the dream, think about what situation in your life would benefit from gentleness and soul-fullness?

Dreams which include excretory functions usually represent cleansing and emotional release. Look at all of the details of the dream in order to obtain meaning. Ask yourself which emotions you may be releasing: anxiety, anger, mockery, annoyance, etc. Some very old folklore interpretations suggest that dreaming of feces is a good omen which suggests a financial gain. See also:

At times a desert in a dream symbolizes the unconscious and represents the dreamer’s sense of separation from it. Deserts are generally barren with little vegetation or animal life. The desert in your dreams could be bringing up issues of stagnation and periods of little growth in your life. Also, the desert could represent your loneliness and feelings of isolation. However, if you live close to the desert or love the desert, this may be a positive symbol. For some the desert may be a place where they can commune with nature and feel a sense of peace.

Dreaming about devils and demons is usually very frightening and you may awake from fear. The devil does not generally represent something outside of yourself. It usually symbolizes the most negative and least developed part of you. It may be that part of you that is ignorant and destructive. You can determine the meaning and message in your dream by looking at all of the details carefully. All dreams are good dreams in that they bring unconscious materials to the conscious mind. Only then can you begin to effectively cope with the more unpleasant sides of your personality. Carl Jung called this negative side the “shadow.” The devils in your dreams could be representations of your personal shadow or they could be a glance at the collective shadow. See also:

Diamond are valuable, timeless, and very precious. Dreaming about diamonds may have several different meanings. It could represent love and money, as well as universal truths and spiritual consciousness. The diamond is an object of desire and symbolizes those thing that are most valuable to you. We are all constantly in pursuit of those things that we have not obtained but want and need in order to feel complete. Your dream may help you to decipher what is most valuable and then give you clues where to find it.

The interpretation of this behavior in a dream depends on your circumstances and on the details This is true for all dreams. Digging is generally considered to be difficult work or hard labor. You could be “digging” around for the truth or trying to get to the bottom of things. Alternately, you could be “digging your own grave.” Therefore, consider your feelings in the dream and what you were digging. Were you working a difficult area, or digging in fertile soil? See also:
Dirt / Earth

Dinosaurs are always fascinating, sometimes lovable, mostly dangerous, and they are alive only in our imaginations. Consider all of the details of the dream and try to tie these ideas to some aspect of your life. The dinosaur, whether you have given it a positive or negative connotation, represents something from your past or an aspect of your personality that you have altered over time. Dinosaurs may represent old issues that have not been properly addressed and that continue to have the power to effect your life in the present.

Dreaming about dirt, as in something dirty, could represent your state of mind or a situation from your daily life. It could symbolize a relationship, a business venture, or any other part of your life where you, or someone else has been less than honest and honorable. Dirt in your dreams could also represent your unwholesome attitudes and a devious state of mind. This dream, depending on its details, may be encouraging you to clean up “your act” inside and out.
Dreaming about soil and the earth usually symbolizes fertility and the potential to grow. Rich soil may be an indication that the time is right for work and new beginnings. Dreaming about dry, barren soil may be a reflection of your negative mood. It may include feelings of depression or general feelings of boredom and emptiness.

Dreaming about natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, is not that uncommon. People usually have these dreams at a time of many changes in their lives. Most people have ambivalent feelings about change and some resist even positive changes. Therefore, quick shifts in life style or some type of crisis may bring about dreams of natural disasters. Please look up a specific disaster by name. See also:
Flood, Earthquake, Tornado

The word disease literally means out of ease. Before you begin to interpret this dream on a psychological or metaphysical level, first check your health. The dream could refer to physical or emotional health. See also:

Diving in a dream suggests that you are trying to “get to the bottom” of a current situation or feeling. Water symbolizes the unconscious. Thus, another interpretation for this dream may be that you are delving into your unconscious. Finally, Freud thought that diving may have sexual connotations and represents intercourse.

Dreaming about a doctor may represent a need for physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. Doctors are respected authority figures and we usually follow their advice and guidance in regard to our well being. Depending on your belief system, the doctor in your dream could also represent your higher self or inner guidance. If you are currently experiencing a health problem and doctors are a part of your daily/weekly life, this dream may be symbolic of real life difficulties. However, the dream is most likely based on a past event, a memory, or refers to a current need for healing, rather than a prediction of the future.

Dogs in dreams could symbolize a large variety of ideas and concepts, but mostly they are symbolic of the dreamer’s defensive structure and may represent personal boundary issues. Carefully consider all of the details and the mood in your dream. First, if you have a dog, it may be natural to dream about him. We become emotionally attached to our dogs and we dream about them just as we dream about anything else that is important to us. Otherwise, dogs could symbolize loyalty and hard work. If someone calls you a dog, it is a negative reflection on your personality. If you are being treated like a dog, you are most likely being abused in some way. On the metaphysical level, dogs are consider to be the guardians of the underworld. Finally, dogs could represent the more basic or “animal” parts of our nature and some think that they specifically represent male energy.

Dolls in dreams are lifeless images of real people. They are suggestive of a person that is not genuine and does not express her feelings. Most dreams are about our personal issues and concerns and not about others. Therefore, think about yourself and try to see if you have been behaving in such ways that have been less than “real.” Dolls as a dream symbol may represent the way you relate and interact with your internal and external environments. If feelings of detachment and phoniness prevail in your daily life, then they may be reflected in this dream.

Dolphins represent friendliness, communal living, rescue, communication, and affection. They are water dwelling mammals and in our dreams they represent our willingness and ability to navigate through emotions. They represent positive messages from our unconscious minds. Dolphins could also represent a positive connection between our consciousness and to those parts of the psyche that is a mystery and largely unconscious. See also:
Water, Whale

Dreaming about this interesting and amusing animal may have several different and opposing interpretations. Therefore, it is very important that you pay attention to the details and the emotional tone of the dream. A donkey may represent humility, honor, and “royalty” in disguise. On the opposite end of things, it may symbolize stubbornness and an unyielding personality. Also, it may represent a person who has many burdens and carries a “heavy load.” Either way, the individual symbolized by the donkey has redeeming qualities which include ruggedness, endurance, and loyalty. (But don’t get them angry because they just may kick you with their hind legs– just kidding!)

Doors are passageways and in our dreams that is their symbolism. Going through a door may represent going from one state of consciousness to another, or from one inner plane to another. Locked or closed doors may represent an obstacle or opportunities that are not currently available to you . Many doors may represent your current choices.

This large, mystical creature may represent large and mystical forces inside of you. In the Far-East it is believed that the dragons are spiritual creatures that navigate through the air and through the sky. In the West, dragons are considered to be dangerous creatures that need to be destroyed. As far as dream symbols go, the dragon may represent the enormous power in your unconscious. It could symbolize repressed unconscious material, including fear. However, the dragon in our dreams is generally a positive symbol. It may represent a period of time when the dreamer will confront his fears and empower himself to effectively cope with negative emotions, extreme materialism, and be able to obtain greater inner and outer freedom.

Dreaming about drowning is common and it invokes fear. However, it may have positive significance. This dream suggests to the dreamer that he may be overwhelmed by unresolved emotions, old issues, or a current crisis. It suggests that a release of the old is necessary in order to emerge and begin anew. This dream serves to awaken the dreamer to embrace and to effectively cope with problems and negativity in his life.

The interpretation of drugs in your dreams depends on the relationship, you have with drugs in your daily life and if they are doctor prescribed or not. If you are a drug user, then the drugs are an extension of what you normally do and you need to look at the other details of your dream to get a good interpretation. However, if you use drugs rarely or never, then this dream could represent a need to get well, to escape from daily stress, and a desire to get quick relief. The drugs could be suggesting a need for healing and getting in balance. Your unconscious mind may be suggesting outrageous things in hopes that you get the message to “have fun, dream dreams, and get out of your own head!” Please keep in mind that the purpose of dreams is to raise our consciousness and to assist us in having better lives. The message in the dream about drug use is most likely not encouraging you to use drugs but it may represent a need to feel better or get better.

A duck is a very interesting bird and the message it conveys is generally positive. Ducks are well adopted to navigate and survive on land and in the water. They can swim, walk, and fly. Ducks are flexible and multi-talented. Dreaming about this bird suggests that you, or someone else in your life, is very flexible and can competently deal with emotional issues. Superstition-based dream interpretations say that ducks are very good omens and that you will “float” away from your current difficulty. See also:
Animals, Birds

At times people will see dwarfs, midgets, or very small people in their dreams. These images seem to represent, or allude to, the childlike creative powers in the unconscious. You can think of the dwarf as a “worker” in your unconscious. He could represent some childlike condition which has the potential and power to influence your life. Consider the details and the emotional tone in the dream and make an attempt to connect it to a situation in your daily life. The dwarf suggests possibilities for learning and brings to the conscious mind messages from the unconscious.